quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

O maior 'cáca' do mundo. Eu acho?!

“In February 1995, working in conjunction with nutritionists at theUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, I adopted a super fiber-rich dietwhich allowed me to successfully produce a single extruded excrement the exact length of my colon: 26 feet. I documented the extrusion at the Cranbrook-Kingswood High School Bowling Alley, Bloomfield Hills, MI, which offered a length of floor suitable for the process and measuring the results. The cathartic diet was supplemented by a high intake of Metamucil fiber substance. The weeklong endurance prior to the event was ensured by the employment of a plug specifically designed to curtail any premature excretions.

all in 28 minutes.
In February 1995, working in conjunction with nutritionists at the
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, I adopted a super fiber-rich diet
which allowed me to successfully produce a single extruded excrement the exact length of my colon: 26 feet. I documented the extrusion at the Cranbrook-Kingswood High School Bowling Alley, Bloomfield Hills, MI, which offered a length of floor suitable for the process and measuring the results. The cathartic diet was supplemented by a high intake of Metamucil fiber substance. The weeklong endurance prior to the event was ensured by the employment of a plug specifically designed to curtail 
any premature excretions.
all in 28 minutes.

Em fevereiro de 1995, trabalhando em conjunto com nutricionistas, na
Universidade de Michigan, Ann Arbor, adotei uma dieta super ricos em fibras
o que me permitiu produzir com sucesso um excremento único expulso o comprimento exato de meus dois pontos: 26 pés. Eu documentei a extrusão naCranbrook-Kingswood High School Bowling Alley, Bloomfield Hills, MI, que ofereceu um pedaço de piso adequado para o processo e avaliar os resultados. A dieta catárticofoi completada por uma alta ingestão de substância Metamucil fibra. A resistência de uma semana antes do evento foi assegurada pelo emprego de um plug projetado especificamente para encerrar qualquer excreções prematura.
tudo em 28 minutos.

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